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Why drugs?
Each medication, drug or substance works in a specific way to change the brain's response to stimuli, but the end result is that the experience of using the substance is very enjoyable, which leads to mental relaxation or activation, which leads to the launch of the internal reward system, and this feeling makes you want to repeat that experience again. Other
This leads us to differentiate between addiction and habituation by clarifying the meaning of each case. Addiction is: repeated use of a narcotic substance, which is accompanied by an overwhelming desire to obtain the substance and a constant tendency to increase the dose. Upon sudden cessation, the addict suffers from serious withdrawal symptoms that may sometimes lead to death as a result of his dependence. Physical and psychological. As for habituation, it is a milder state of addiction, in which there is no compulsive desire, no tendency to increase the dose, and these dangerous withdrawal symptoms do not appear, and only a somewhat mild psychological dependence occurs.
The high rate of drug abuse has created many social problems and moral deviations, in addition to many forms of violence. It is noteworthy that 79% of the crimes committed are due to the abuse of narcotic substances. At the same time, it seems to us a shocking fact, as the age of drug abuse has dropped to Between 9 and 10 years. Statistics provide shocking numbers about the rate of addiction and drug abuse in Egypt. The demand for new types of drugs in Egypt has increased in recent times, most notably “Astrox” and “Voodoo,” which topped the first ranks in rates of abuse, ahead of the famous types that were More popular in recent years, such as: Tramadol - Heroin - Hashish - Cocaine - Opium - Astrox - Banjo - Nalofen - Blue Elephant Pill - Shibu - Voodoo - Lyrica - Captagon
Shocking statistics
10 % Egyptians use drugs, a number twice the global average
27.5 % Female drug users
72.5 % Male drug users
24 % Drug users are drivers
19.7% of drug users are craftsmen
* Tramadol abuse rate: 51.8%
* Heroin abuse rate: 25.6%
* The percentage of cannabis use is 23.3%
Reasons for Addiction
– 30.6% use drugs in order to work for a long time.
– 35.2% use drugs in order to forget worries.
– 34.8% use drugs to overcome depression.
– 36.6% use drugs for social acceptance.
– 37.8% use drugs for the sake of experience.
– 24.9% use drugs for creativity.
– 29.1% take drugs for dare.
ِِAge categories
The age of drug use has dropped to 10 and 11 years.
10% of drug users are in the age group of 12-19 years
37.8% of drug users are in the age group of 20-29 years.
21% of drug users are in the age group of 30-39 years
14.2% of drug users are in the age group of 40-49 years
17% of drug users are in the age group of 50-60 years