
Crystal Meth, or shabu or ice, as it is called in the drug market. It is one of the common names for methamphetamines, which is classified as a neurostimulant that is legally prohibited from being used for purposes other than medical purposes, as it increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the body, which causes... A feeling of euphoria, happiness, and activity. It is also one of the prohibited drugs that causes addiction to a high degree, and that is what restricted its spread in the seventies and its use after it was used in the form of a nasal decongestant, stimulant, and mood adjuster in World War II. It is a white or blue substance with a bitter taste. It is found In the form of small stones that are smoked, or ground to be used in the form of powder for inhalation, oral pills, or intravenous injections, and are very similar to cocaine, except that they are cheaper in price, and their effect lasts a longer time, up to approximately 8 hours, and is characterized by higher toxicity to the body and nerves. And the brain, as it may be mixed with other materials during its manufacture. Such as talc or caffeine

Withdrawal symptoms of Shabu

Shabu has relatively fewer withdrawal symptoms compared to other narcotic substances or alcohol, and its duration lasts between 14 to 20 days, and begins in the first 24 hours of the last dose the person took, and varies in severity, and is usually a feeling of anxiety, which is very common when quitting. Shabu abuse, and the incidence of anxiety disorders in the withdrawal stage reaches approximately 30%. Fatigue, drowsiness, and feeling tired. The symptoms appear clearly during the fifth day of the withdrawal period, and the daily sleeping hours become 11 hours. The longing and intense desire to use again. This also happens with other substances that cause addiction, while  the desire disappears within two to three weeks of quitting Shabu. And the intense desire to eat sugars and high-carbohydrate substances, which reflects the state that the person experienced during the period of abuse of lack of desire to eat and loss of appetite. This appears during the first week and then gradually diminishes in the second and third weeks. Although there is no harm in eating, moderation is preferred. in that. And depression, or a depressive mood, which goes away during the second week of the withdrawal period in more than two-thirds of patients, and some anti-depressant medications are prescribed if it lasts more than three weeks. Psychosis, which appears in the form of visual, auditory, or sensory hallucinations, is similar to what happens when using Shabu, except that it goes away during the first week of quitting it. Antipsychotics can also be used to deal with difficult situations that greatly threaten the person’s life or You move into it. Side effects of taking Shabu: There are a group of side effects associated with taking Shabu: Whether it is when smoking it, smelling it, or consuming it in any way, some of them are felt by the person in the short term, and some symptoms appear in the long term when consuming it for a long period of time, but in the short term they are as follows: such as excessive activity and a feeling of joy when smoking Shabu or consuming it through Injected intravenously, there is a high euphoria when inhaled. A feeling of heightened alertness, with increased physical activity. And a decrease in appetite. Increased breathing rate. Increased or irregular heart rate. High body temperature. High blood pressure. Increased risk of cardiovascular collapse. Irritability and agitation. Feeling confused. Anxiety. Tremor. Aggression. Insomnia. Paranoia or paranoia. cramps. Irreversible damage to the blood vessels in the brain, which increases the possibility of strokes. As for the symptoms in the long term,

Shabu causes the following symptoms

Brain damage similar to what occurs in stroke, Alzheimer's, and epilepsy. Psychological disorders, and mood swings. With aggressive behaviour. Paranoia, and delusions. Auditory hallucinations. Suicidal thoughts and harmful behaviour. Severe loss of appetite, tooth loss, and the appearance of signs of premature aging, and in other cases, it causes brain bleeding as a result of excessive blood pressure. 

Let us all know that addiction to Shibu is one of the most dangerous types of addiction to narcotic substances, and the duration of treatment for Shibu addiction varies from one person to another due to the doses that differ from one person to another, but the symptoms of Shibu withdrawal from the body begin approximately 24 hours after the effect of the first dose stops. However, treating Shabu addiction requires extreme caution in treatment until the addict passes through that stage successfully without any losses and returns again to his normal life.

Methods of taking Shabu

* The user chops or grinds the shabu granules until they turn into a white powder.

* After it is crushed, the user inhales it through the nose.

* It can be consumed by smoking. It is placed in a pipe or in a tube with one hole, and the user inhales the smoke produced, which contains the substance Shabu.

* The addict can take Shabu by swallowing it directly into the mouth.  

These are the four most famous ways of taking Shabu, which cause many harms and ultimately lead to death.

Shibu addiction in Kuwait

This dangerous drug, called Shabu, despite its severe and great harm to generations and the threat to the pillars of society and the family, was not enough to protect Kuwaiti society from its great danger. Kuwait has become one of the countries in which Shabu is abused the most and is at the forefront of countries where crimes resulting from Shabu abuse are widespread. Shabu addicts in Kuwait commit an average of approximately fifty crimes a day, including harm to oneself and to others through destructive aggressive behavior. Shabu is the most synthetic and manufactured type of drug, causing a trend of destructive aggressive behavior within humans and transforming the tolerant human conscience into a fierce, aggressive, extremely dangerous entity. Perhaps the spread of Shabu in Kuwait in this noticeable manner is in need. To focus light on it to find out its causes and treat this matter seriously, knowledgeably and quickly so that Kuwaiti society is saved from this imminent danger within Kuwaiti society.

How does Shabu reach Kuwait?

In fact, the countries of the Arabian Gulf are the regions in general that use and trade most in Shabu, and Kuwait was at the forefront of those countries, and the easy way for Shabu to reach Kuwait is the communities coming from East Asia, especially the Filipino community. The origin of Shabu was in East Asia, and they are the ones who gave it this trade name and community. Filipinas in Kuwait have a lot of knowledge to manufacture this deadly drug. They either manufacture it inside Kuwait itself or sometimes bring it smuggled from abroad, especially from East Asian countries.

Reasons for the spread of Shabu addiction in Kuwait

One of the most dangerous things in Kuwaiti law is that if an addicted person decides to repent, he will not regain his legal status until five years after repenting and quitting the drug. This legal clause makes many addicts lose the enthusiasm for repentance and makes them afraid of the risk of scandal and defamation, even though this clause includes and concerns All types of drugs. We need to know the reasons for the spread of Shabu specifically in Kuwait. These reasons are:
1.       The ease of its manufacture and the spread of the Filipino community in Kuwait, which is the most skilled and knowledgeable community in manufacturing shabu. Add to that its cheap price, and then it is easy to spread among young people and teenagers like wildfire.
2. The diversity and multiplicity of forms of Shabu abuse, which makes it easy to abuse and deal with.
3. The geographical proximity of Kuwait to both the countries of Iran and Iraq is the reason for the widespread spread of this drug within Kuwait, as the countries of Iraq and Iran are among the largest centers of Shabu trading in the world.
4. Political targeting of Kuwait to destroy its generations and negatively affect them.
5. Kuwaiti TV series and dramas play a negative role in dealing with drug abuse issues, and the heroes are always shown as drug users, which may attract the souls of teenagers to imitate or imitate this crude model.
Treatment of Shabu addiction in Kuwait and other Arab countries must be done as quickly as possible because it constitutes a real danger, and must be at the forefront of governments’ goals to overcome it, prevent its spread, and take all security, political, legal and educational measures and procedures to achieve that goal. Youth are the wealth of nations