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Women's hospital
A center and hospital for psychiatry and addiction treatment for women
Because we believe in the role of women in society and the importance of being a healthy and healthy individual in order to fulfill the roles required to live in society in a healthy way, the idea arose of establishing an institution and a therapeutic center for women and men in the city of Alexandria to help women overcome life’s problems and be the best help for them in health work, as the center has a team. Women with high scientific and medical competence and professional training from psychologists, doctors and consultants in the treatment of addiction, psychiatry and treatment of psychological disorders.
Hayaty Center for Women's Psychiatry
Hayati Center for Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment also provides accommodation at the highest level and privacy, and the treatment in the center is based on complete confidentiality for cases and residents... so that the individual can go forward after recovery and return to normal life, integrating into society, removing the stigma of mental illness that forms an ingrained culture in society... to return to life. A new person to complete his natural role in the family and society
Our core values are
For excellence, care, human life, and authenticity, the Hayati Center for Women’s Psychiatry and Addiction Treatment is distinguished by the presence of specialized treatment programs for all psychological and mental diagnoses. The center’s therapeutic philosophy depends on comprehensive treatment in all pharmacological, psychological and social aspects. Services are provided through internal residence at the center and external follow-up after the condition stabilizes.
The first stage
The addiction patient is received in the outpatient department, the case is evaluated, and the place for detoxification is determined using specialized medications. The case is evaluated to develop an initial treatment plan for the patient.
The second stage
In the case of a patient going to a rehabilitation center, the patient enjoys a comfortable stay in a healthy atmosphere that understands the nature of the disease and treatment. During his stay, the patient undergoes a treatment program at the hands of a specialized team of doctors, therapists, psychologists, and social workers who specialize in addiction treatment. This stage is considered one of the most important stages of treatment. It uses different therapeutic techniques, such as therapy. Cognitive dynamic therapy, psychodrama, work therapy, group therapy, and individual therapy, which allows the medical and psychological team to access the causes of illness, thoughts, and personal defects in people that are the reason for treatment and work on them.
The third stage
A plan is being developed to improve the inmate’s health level by exercising daily, including football, volleyball, swimming, table tennis, and physical fitness training. After completing the treatment period, the patient is enrolled in outpatient treatment through rehabilitation meetings three times a week. Follow-up is done through periodic tests and individual follow-up to ensure that the patient continues treatment. A therapist is appointed for the inmate to follow up on his conditions and the difficulties he faces in daily life. This is part of the support system that the center provides to the patient for the external administration to function well. There is a parallel program for parents to deal with complicit dependency and raise awareness for parents through 12 group sessions, one session each week, and individual sessions to discuss the case.